1. Fix your personal login...
Add these lines to the end your ~/.bashrc file...
set -o vi
export EDITOR=vim
notes: Line 1 puts the history commands into sensible vi mode rather than the heinous emacs mode. Line 2 fixes crontab and its' like to use vi rather than the wretched nano editor.
2. Fix the root login...
Add these lines to the end of the /root/.bashrc file...
set -o vi
export EDITOR=vim
export HISTFILE=/home/${USER}/.root/.bash_history
notes: Line 3 above moves the history file to a full read/write footing.
Finally, don't forget to "mkdir /home/${USER}/.root".
I know there are global ways to accomplish these goals. I am not interested in that, I want to alter just the behavior of my login and the root login. All other logins may remain in the dark, lonely nano wilderness for all I care. If, in future, I choose to expose my personal system to the internet... I will of course take appropriate steps to plug the root command line history issue. Probably by creating a script to "erase the tracks" at root logout.